Sunday, May 15, 2011


My kids love dirt. I don't blame them, I always loved playing in the dirt with my sister when I was little. We would discover new bugs, make mud pies, and well...dig. And now I'm doing pretty much the same things with my kids. I just wish the weather in Seattle would clear up so we could do it more often. I can always tell a difference in my kids moods if they haven't been outside, they get a little manic and sassy. Especially Z. He's a boy that needs dirt and fresh air. He needs to go outside and blow the stink off, as my grandma would say.

(Yes, my garden is full of uncontrollable weeds! I am not a gardener, most of my plants - that I actually buy, not the weeds - end up dieing. So sad.)

At least the weeds afford some photography opportunities!

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